• Question: if you are to lose connection to Tim what would you have to do?

    Asked by Ethan to COLFlight, Anne, Beth, Jon, Tom on 4 Oct 2015. This question was also asked by Jeffery.
    • Photo: Columbus Flight Directors

      Columbus Flight Directors answered on 4 Oct 2015:

      HI Ethan, our communication system is so robust that it is extremely unlikely that we will completely lose connection to Tim for a long time. In the worst case so far, connection was lost for a bit more than one hour but then it was recovered thanks to troubleshooting done by the astronauts and by the mission control centres on ground.

      Even in such case, all the astronauts are properly trained: they are able to maintain the space station alive and functional and also to fix what went wrong so that communication can be reestablished as soon as possible!
