• Question: What was the feeling you got when you first became part of the team

    Asked by JOErages :) to Anne, Beth, COLFlight, Jon, Tom on 4 Oct 2015. This question was also asked by Calum, Hancha2003.
    • Photo: Beth Healey

      Beth Healey answered on 4 Oct 2015:

      Hi Calum and Joe,

      I was really excited, having Tim going to space is a huge thing for UK Space and it is great to feel in some way part of that!


    • Photo: Columbus Flight Directors

      Columbus Flight Directors answered on 4 Oct 2015:

      COL FD (Simon): Hi Joe and Calum!
      Every job I have had in space has been amazing but being a Columbus Flight Director is the best so far! When I was selected for the position and realized that I would be directly responsible for operations of the Columbus Module I was super-excited!

      For me there is nothing in the world like the feeling of coming away from a shift, knowing that you worked with the crew and ground to complete another day of successful operations for ESA, whether it be to assist the astronauts perform a break-through science experiments or complete a complex maintenance activity.

      (Check out some examples of what we have done with Samantha Cristoforetti when she was on-board: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkkAcls1Jh0)
