• Question: How do we know that what you say about the earths formation is true? It could just be you making this al up.

    Asked by Pink'n'White to Anne, Beth, COLFlight, Jon, Tom on 9 Oct 2015.
    • Photo: Columbus Flight Directors

      Columbus Flight Directors answered on 9 Oct 2015:

      Simon: Pink’n’White:

      Of course we do not know for certain if everything we see around us is real. You are going to have to decide that for yourself!

      But all the physical/chemical evidence that we have so far increasingly supports the theory that Earth was created from stella accretion and that Earth’s geology and geography are chiefly driven by: The Sun, Plate Tectonics, The Earths Magnetic field, The weather, The Seas, Life on Earth and most recently in the last 100,000years Human Activity.
