• Question: whats your main goal to achieve before you retire

    Asked by Hancha2003 to Anne, Beth, COLFlight, Jon, Tom on 13 Oct 2015.
    • Photo: Columbus Flight Directors

      Columbus Flight Directors answered on 13 Oct 2015:

      Simon: Hi Hancha2003! Nice question! I still havent ruled out Astronaut before I retire but I think that is probably a very remote possibility.

      What id really be super happy with if is I am able to be one day a Flight Director or Mission Director of a deep space mission (Human or otherwise) to another celestial body in the Solar System. Humans on Europa would be totally cool, but ill settle for Mars 😉 !

      What about you? You want to be a professional athlete? Oh and why do you say you cant go into space?!? You maybe a future astronaut!

    • Photo: Beth Healey

      Beth Healey answered on 14 Oct 2015:

      Hey Hanacha2003!

      I would without doubt like to become an astronaut like Tim.

      What about you? What would you like to end up doing?
